木本舍室內設計及工程 (家居住宅豪宅獨立屋別墅辦公室) L Vogue Design Interior Design (Residential Retail Office House)

Contact Yahoo for email regarding help simply dial the toll free number to make a easier call to Yahoo mail support.

康樂園洋房完善配套設施 Hong Lok Yuen Best View House NOW AVAILABLE
W物業地產 / 住宅出租William Ho Design Associates Ltd

A British-born Chinese myself, I am an HKU MBBS Student wanting to be a tutor and am confident to raise your expectations and apply for better universities!
A教學進修 / 補習Alexander Ng

We are Japan Trading Company established in Hong Kong since 2009. We can help customer to develop OEM product on keychain or magnet. we also can help customer trade product from Japan to Hong Kong.

全新裝修。貼近扶手電梯,5-10分鐘到中環,屬於全香港最方便地區。鄰近soho,飲食娛樂方便。同時有868平方呎大花園。適合house party。

旗下供应的品牌商品,雪花秀(SULWHASOO),后(WHOO),呼吸(Sum37),兰芝(LANEIGE),伊思(It's skin),高丽雅娜(Coreana),爱丽小屋(ETUDE HOUSE),菲诗小铺(THE FACE SHOP),悦诗风吟(INNISFREE), 得鲜(The SAEM),爱茉莉(Amorepacific) 等

BOO, creates inspiring office and multifunctional spaces that provide an environment within which to work, to connect and to collaborate – a union of commerce, community and culture.

WHOOPS is a HongKong-Based Design Workshop. Working Experiences(Full-Time) : | Advertising Design | Publishing House | Design House |
w設計 / 平面設計whoopsworkshop

S&A brand CW-5200 air cooled chiller ‘s cooling capacity up to 1.4KW , ±0.3℃ temperature control precision and temperature control range in 5-35℃.

Look for a freelance developer to build a CRM We are planning to launch a loyalty program and would need a CRM for the loyalty program. Our POS is VEND, you could be able to integrate with the CRM. P

宗旨(Aims): 透過乒乓球訓練, 鼓勵不同的年齡,文化,技能水準參舆體育運動(Encourage different people of all ages, cultures, skills level to involve physical exercises with the help of table tennis. 教學特點(Teaching characteristics): 因材施

提供各類精美創意禮品 - 年曆,環保袋,電話充電器,商務禮物, 紀念品, 公司禮品, 各種慶祝活動贈品 及 設計商標﹑平面設計 www.fulcorn.com We Design Source Deliver - Corporate Gift, We Listen to your needs, We focus on your concern, Promote your brand

show you a way to learn chinese easily! I am originally from Northern China and Mandarin is my mother language. Received Certificate of National Chinese Language Committee in 2005. I went to study
教學進修 / 補習Anna LI(李老师)

「請幫我自己做」"Help me to do it by myself",而不是「你幫我做」。

Belle House提供所有美容服務單次收費,不含隱藏性收費,保證不硬銷。駐店美容師擁有豐富美容經驗,為每位客人提供貼心及專業的美容意見。

全港第一間以Group Game為主題的Party House 具備大量適合6至30人共享的新穎遊戲 交通方便 場地離荔枝角地鐵站只有5分鐘距離 一夥為全港第一間以Group Game為主題的Party House。 我們以相宜的價錢提供可以容納30人的場地,場地離地鐵站更只有5分鐘距離。歡迎不同人士舉辦工作坊或派對,在寬敞的私人空間換到最愉快的享受。 厭倦了派對參加者各有各玩無交流?不用擔
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